The Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association is advising prospective newcomers to the Miramichi region, as well as the region’s employers, that available housing is at critically low levels. It is strongly recommended that individuals planning to move to Miramichi secure housing arrangements in advance of their arrival.





Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association

Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association (MRMA) is a non-profit organization that promotes education, understanding, communication, and harmony among all cultures; attracts and assists in the settlement of immigrants and, advocates for the interests of people of all heritages.

MRMA's Settlement Services Office, located at 1808 Water Street (Chatham), provides access orientation, support, and referral services for immigrant newcomers to the Miramichi Region. All services are offered in both English and French.

New members and volunteers are welcome. Learn more.


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Dont miss our 3rd annual Newcomers Holiday Party! Stay tuned for more updates on goodies, giveaways, and more!
Ne manquez pas notre troisième fête annuelle des nouveaux arrivants! Restez à l’affût pour plus de nouvelles sur les cadeaux, les cadeaux et plus encore!Image attachment

Don't miss our 3rd annual Newcomers' Holiday Party! Stay tuned for more updates on goodies, giveaways, and more!
Ne manquez pas notre troisième fête annuelle des nouveaux arrivants! Restez à l’affût pour plus de nouvelles sur les cadeaux, les cadeaux et plus encore!
... See MoreSee Less

December 11th, 12:00 pm
Available in English Only / Disponible en anglais seulement

Due to limited spaces, registration is required.
Please email
To register you will need the following:
your UCI, DOB, number/email and postal code

En raison du nombre limité de places, l’inscription est obligatoire.
Veuillez envoyer un courriel à
Pour vous inscrire, vous aurez besoin des éléments suivants :
votre UCI, date de naissance, numéro/courriel et code postal

Available in English Only / Disponible en anglais seulement

Due to limited spaces, registration is required.
Please email
To register you will need the following:
your UCI, DOB, number/email and postal code

En raison du nombre limité de places, l’inscription est obligatoire.
Veuillez envoyer un courriel à
Pour vous inscrire, vous aurez besoin des éléments suivants :
votre UCI, date de naissance, numéro/courriel et code postal
... See MoreSee Less

December 9th, 12:00 pm
We will be closed Thursday, December 5 due to poor weather conditions. We will reopen tomorrow morning at 8:30.
Nous serons fermés le jeudi 5 décembre en raison des mauvaises conditions météorologiques. Nous rouvrirons demain matin à 8 h 30.

We will be closed Thursday, December 5 due to poor weather conditions. We will reopen tomorrow morning at 8:30.
Nous serons fermés le jeudi 5 décembre en raison des mauvaises conditions météorologiques. Nous rouvrirons demain matin à 8 h 30.
... See MoreSee Less

December 5th, 7:59 am



Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association (MRMA) provides confidential and free settlement services for immigrant newcomers to the Miramichi Region. These services include:

  • Assistance with documentation
  • Employment Assistance Services - counselling and referrals
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) and French as a Second Language (FSL) instruction and Language Assessment
  • Interpretation and translation of documents or help to arrange these services
  • Information about community services, facilities, schools and health care

All of these services are offered in both English and French.



